Aug 31, 2022
Today on the podcast Lisa is joined by her daughters Madi and Macy. Madi is 20 years old and a Junior at Biola University. Macy is 19 years old and a Freshman at Berry College. Join in the discussion of all things church planting kids as Madi and Macy share the good and the hard of growing up in a church planting...
Aug 17, 2022
Join us today as Lisa interviews Rob and Kendrah Davis. Rob and Kendrah recently planted Living Branch Church in Vail, AZ with their daughter, Hadleigh, who lives life with autism. Listen in as they share their heart and experience with planting a church that begins with accessibility for ALL at its center.
Aug 3, 2022
Join us today as Lisa chats with Micah Balch. Micah and her husband Cody planted Good News Church in Powell, Oh about 8 years ago and have four children ages 9 to 3. Listen in as Micah shares her heart about intentionally discipling our kids, providing practical advice and grace for this extremely challenging task.