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The Plant Strong Podcast: Championing Women in Church Planting

Apr 30, 2019

Introverts and extroverts—both can be leaders! Leading with quiet strength in today’s fast-paced world can be a challenge. In this episode, Sarah Burnett interviews Becky Murphy, the Assistant for Stadia's Bloom ministry. They talk about practical advice on how to lead as an introvert and make smart choices about...

Apr 16, 2019

Leadership. Systems. Finding and building global partnerships. Worthiness. Grace. Grit. Andrea Hamilton, Director of Global Development at Stadia, discusses all of those things and more. This episode will encourage you to think big (while starting small!) as you lead strong in church planting.  

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Apr 2, 2019

How do we know what our role should be in a church plant?  Sue Ferguson tells her story of what it was like starting Community Christian Church 30 years ago.  Sue and Sarah chat about the lessons she's learned in leadership, leaning into her giftedness, identity, valuing family and leading a fabulous ministry. She and...